International Chess Day events

International Chess Day is celebrated annually on 20 July, the day the International Chess Federation (FIDE) was founded, in 1924.

Chess Showcase

Spend International Chess day at a unique Chess Showcase designed especially for young people and their carers where beginners are warmly welcomed! Any level of experience will enjoy the evening, from beginners to practiced players.

Date and time: Thursday 20th July 18.00 – 21.00

Location Seventeen Nineteen – Holy Trinity Church Sunderland

With tutorials and demonstrations led by Durham City Chess club and South Shields Chess Club you’ll learn the fundamentals, explore basic strategies, and develop your tactical thinking step by step.

Further details:

Make a Ceramic Chess Set

To celebrate International Chess Day you can make your own bespoke chess set with artist, Michael Emmott.

Date and time: Thursday 20th July 17.00 – 20.00

Location Seventeen Nineteen – Holy Trinity Church Sunderland

Tickets: £12

You’ll sculpt your pieces using terracotta which will be fired in a kiln to make them last a lifetime.

For more information: